Review of Please Join Us
I have read many of this author’s books and was really impressed with all of them and this might be her best yet. Nicole is a lawyer and finds out her law firm is unhappy with the lack of clients and billable hours she is bringing to the firm. A lot of Nicole’s self worth is in her career so she is distressed to feel she is not on an upward trend. Just after this happens she learns of a self empowerment retreat for women. After attending the retreat things start to escalate in Nicole’s life. As Nicole tries to fulfill favours for the women in her ‘Pride’ group, from the retreat, she becomes increasingly uneasy. When some of these requests become unethical and illegal Nicole has to try and figure out how to exit this cult she has unknowingly gotten into. The suspense is palpable and the variety of characters is entertaining. This is a book that was hard to put down. I found it fast paced and the plot is layered and complex. I was very invested to see how all the moving pieces fit together in the end. The book is about empowerment of women and it definitively shows how much more needs to change before women are treated equally in the work place and society. I highly recommend this as the next book you should read.