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Review of The Summer of Lost and Found

Thank you @suzyapprovedbooktours for my free review copy of this book! This was the first book I have read that is set during the pandemic. It was thought provoking to remember where things stood a year ago. It was also interesting that so many things mentioned are now routine for us. Social distancing, masking, frequent hand washing are just part of life. It was intriguing to see how these characters managed through the pandemic. In the beginning of the book Linnea loses her job at the Aquarium as a result of pandemic downsizing. She is living in a house that her aunt owns and she decides to have a coworker move in with her, as she is also laid off, to help with costs and to repay kindness. Linnea also has two men that are vying for her heart. I loved the parts of the story about turtles as I am a big turtle lover. I have seen turtles lay their eggs but I haven’t seen them hatch and this would be an amazing thing to be a part of. It sounds like this author’s previous books talk more about turtles as she is active in their preservation.This story was ultimately about friendship, family, and in the end following your heart. This book is part of a series but can be read as a standalone.


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